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XAMN Elements

XAMN Elements is the most advanced tool available today for mobile forensic data analysis and reconstruction. It is the advanced hex carving tool for experts, designed to help expert users to dig deeply into undecoded or fragmented data in order…

XRY Logical

XRY Logical is the quickest extraction method because it enables you to access and recover live and file system data from the device right on the crime scene. It extracts data from digital devices by communicating with the operating system…

XRY Physical

XRY Physical is a software package for the physical recovery of data from mobile devices. MSAB has developed XRY Physical to make it easier to navigate a wealth of information. With this tool, MSAB has developed a forensic method to secure…

MSAB Raven

Raven: A Mobile Device Exploitation Kit in an extremely portable package. MSAB Raven is an innovative, highly portable mobile device triage toolset designed for operators in the field who need to quickly extract data from mobile devices to make quick…

MSAB – XAMN Horizon

XAMN Horizon is an analytical software package designed exclusively for the comparison of data extracted from smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices. Built by the makers of XRY the leading mobile forensic software solution, XAMN Horizon works seamlessly to allow you to…

XRY Cloud

Online forensic extraction of cloud based smartphone data XRY Cloud is a digital forensic extraction solution from MSAB designed for the recovery of data beyond the mobile device. Apps on smartphones often function without the need for users to constantly enter their username…

MSAB Field

Ideally suited for mobile units in demanding conditions This equipment is designed for mobile units of military intelligence, law enforcement and international organizations, such as United Nations Peacekeepers. When users require portable digital forensic kits, which give instant viewable results…

MSAB Kiosk

The Power of XRY Combined with Simplicity of Use The XRY Kiosk from MSAB offers the ability to speedily recover data, for users who require fast extractions in a controlled environment. It is a forensic tool designed for first responders…

MSAB Tablet

A Lightweight Solution for Faster Examinations With a touch screen interface, the XRY Tablet is designed to quickly and easily recover data from mobile devices. Tablet allows you to plug in the mobile device, touch the screen and extract the data within minutes.…

MSAB Office

El sistema integral de análisis forenses de móviles de micro systemation XRY Complete es el sistema integral de análisis forenses de móviles de micro systemation; una combinación de nuestras soluciones lógicas y físicas en un solo paquete. XRY Complete permite…

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