Conduct internal investigations to discover behaviors that put corporate assets at risk OpenText™ EnCase™ Endpoint…

Nuix Web Review & Analytics
Collaborate online for faster results
Nuix case data anywhere, any time Share, search and analyze with Nuix Web Review and Analytics. This powerful web application makes evidence securely and conveniently available to investigators, lawyers, subject matter experts and anyone else who needs it. It rapidly scales to tens or hundreds of reviewers per case, with no complex databases or tricky client plugins to install.Nuix Web Review & Analytics makes it easy to provide secure and compartmentalized access to case data for multiple reviewers, investigators, subject matter experts and external parties—and all you need is a web browser. It offers:
- Easy access for non-technical reviewers
- A design ideal for virtual server and cloud computing environments
- Flexible group and user access controls
- Advanced search and filtering options
- A deduplicated image gallery with video previews and multiple filtering options
- Seamless integration with Nuix Investigator, Nuix eDiscovery and Nuix Director
Nuix Web Review & Analytics makes it easy to slice, dice and visualize data so you can quickly identify trends, locate information of interest and drill down to specifics. You can run multiple visualizations concurrently in separate browser windows, with all results list updating dynamically as you dig deeper into your data. Visualization options include:
- Top types
- Pivot
- Date trending
- Timeline
- Communication network
- Commonality network
- Intersection
- Shingle and word lists