Digital forensic imaging for law enforcement and corporate investigations The increasing diversity, size and sophistication…

HardCopy 3P
All of the functionality you expect, plus the amazing ease of use Voom’s customers rave about. Make your HDD duplication faster and easier today with HardCopy 3P!
Extreme Performance
- Now with greater than 2TB support
- Image a 2TB HDD (2000GB)
- Clone HDDs with no size limit
- Forensically duplicates HDD ’s faster than ever – up to 6 GB/min with hashing
- Clone (disk to disk) or Image (disk to file or files) – user-selectable
- 1 SATA/IDE native source port (write-blocked); 2 SATA destination ports
- Easily accommodates laptops & IDE
- Duplicate or Wipe 2 drives simultaneously – No Slowdown
- Built-in, user-selectable MD5 and SHA256 verification
- Hash re-verification on read from destination(s) – user-selectable
- Automatically handles Host Protected Areas & Device Configuration Overlays
- Standard 1 Year Warranty
- Price competitive
Performance Examples
Transfer rates with SHA256 hashing
- Source: WD Velociraptor 300 GB – Destination: WD Caviar Green 2 TB
- Peak Transfer: 6.1 GB/m
- Average Transfer Across Disk: 5.9 GB/m
- Transfer Time: 00:50:47
- Transfer Time with Re-verification: 01:40:00
- Re-verification Alone: 6.1 GB average across disk
Transfer rates with MD5 hashing
- Source: WD Velociraptor 300 GB – Destination: WD Caviar Green 2 TB
- Peak Transfer: 5.7 GB/m
- Average Transfer Across Disk: 5.6 GB/m
- Transfer Time: 00:52:49
- Transfer Time with Re-verification: 01:44:33
- Re-verification Alone: 5.7 GB average across disk